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Paysera unveils its brand new logo!

Justina Šidlauskienė
Big news! Today, after 8 years, we are proud to present the first and the core element of the new Paysera identity – the new logo. This logo change reflects our vision of moving towards the super app and marks a new start for the company – a fresher, more modern look that carries a message. It is also the first of many other exciting brand updates we're rolling out in the coming months and into next year. 

Why did we decide to go for such a change?

At Paysera, we knew that there was a disconnect between the old logo and the company's current vision. And not just the old logo but the visual identity as a whole. The existing branding didn't communicate our vision well; it looked outdated and complicated in many cases and didn't reflect Paysera as a pioneering fintech with innovative products and services. 

From a technical point of view, we also wanted something that could work on screens of any size and in various settings. So our in-house marketing team, together with a talented graphic designer, Deividas Bielskis, began to search for a new identity and tools to express Paysera's brand personality verbally and visually. And the result is in front of your eyes. Something simple, yet right on point with our services and vision. 

Justina Šidlauskienė – Head of Marketing and PR, Paysera 

New identity inspired by client feedback

While involving our people and various stakeholders inside the company, we also wanted our clients to be an important part of creating our new brand. So, in the middle of 2021, we asked them how they felt about us. 

From the feedback we saw that our clients almost unanimously refer to Paysera with words like "fast", "easy to use", "great value for money", "many services", and "a great alternative to traditional banks". Paysera's secret of success has always been a commitment to listen to customer needs and being one step ahead – building new innovative products to address those needs before they even come up. 

And so, we decided it was time to reflect this in our updated brand design with some imagery reflecting listening and being there for our customers right here, right now – that’s how the idea for the chat bubble and location pin was born. 

How did the letter "P" become a symbol of our new logo? 

As you can see, along with the new logo, the letter P became a significant symbol of our brand. It resembles a stylised chat bubble to underline our communication with our clients, businesses, and the people behind those companies. For us, it means that we build Paysera through continuous conversation! 

This graphic symbol also symbolises our upcoming live chat feature, which will be a significant change for our app and the speed and quality of our client support. 

And last but not least, one other thing you might spot in our new icon – a location pin. Paysera being local and global at once while having integrated third-party services that can be used right here and right now is one of the core benefits of our company. Upcoming features like paying for parking, ordering parcel delivery, and investing in real estate also stand by this idea and we wanted our logo to reflect that. 

The brand's new colours 

In addition to all of the above, the new Paysera logo has a more refined colour palette that uses two shades of blue and one green.

These colours stand for the values we have and/or seek to have: 
Blue – trust, forward-thinking, integrity, experience, innovation; 
Green – sustainability and prosperity.


What’s next? 

In the upcoming months you will see our new logo rolled out across different platforms – web, app, social media, and so on.

But this is just a hint of what's coming. During the upcoming months we expect to launch an entirely refreshed website, more Paysera products, and merchandise – to name just a few examples of our brand touchpoints. So look out for more updates on our social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram or subscribe to receive news via email :) 

With love, on behalf of the Paysera Marketing Team,

Justina Šidlauskienė
Head of Marketing and PR, Paysera